Reindeers and caribou are also called Rangifer tarandus. Most of the animals from these species are found in Russia. The reindeer is a species of deer, which is also called a caribou in North America.

Paws are useful for digging under the soil. The mole is a small mammal with a cylindrical body, velvety fur, small and inconspicuous ears, reduced hindlimbs, and powerful forelimbs. The squirrel family includes tree squirrels, ground squirrels, and chipmunks, marmots, flying squirrels. The squirrel, from the family Sciuridae, includes small or medium-sized rodents. Bushbuck and topi are the largest species of deer and antelope animals. Some are endangered species while others are considered the deers’ sister group, with the infraorder Pecora. The chimpanzee, named Pan troglodytes, is a species of ape that is the same as the bonobo and is mostly related to human beings.Īntelope and deer are native to every continent in the world.

Wild yaks are generally dark, black, or brown. They are brown and heavily built, having sturdy legs, cloven hooves, long and curved horns, and long fur longer than the belly.

Yak is a domesticated cattle having long hairy bodies mostly found in the Himalayan region of the north-Indian subcontinent. They are found in coastal areas, having a recognizable body and large head with round and fluffy ears. They are classified in the family Phascolarctidae. The koala is also called a koala bear, scientifically named Phascolarctos cinereus. They are mostly found in urban city areas. Foxes are also called scavenger carnivores dogs, and nocturnal animal that hunts only at night. The fox is a small, medium-sized, omnivore mammal belonging to the family Canidae. They may be considered to be intelligent and active animals. They are mostly tree-dwelling species, and also they live on earth too like baboons. They descriptively belong to the group of primates. Monkeys are somehow referred to as the species of mammals of the order Simiiformes. Their DNA is highly similar to that of human beings. The gorillas are ground-dwelling animals. They are named Ailuropoda melanoleuca biologically, mostly found in China. The panda is called a giant panda because of its bigger size and distinctive black patches around the eyes, over the years, and around its cross-body. Their stripes come in a different pattern to each one, and barrel-chested bodies, with tufted tails, elongated faces with long necks, and their eyes are far above the eyes to see them.

Zebras are African equines from the genus Hippotigris with black and white striped coats. They include large bodies, with stocky legs, long noses, small rounded ears, and Sloggi hairs. There are eight different species of bears present in different regions according to their lifestyle. Giraffes are the longest existing animals on the land with long necks, long legs, and a pattern of irregular brown patches on their body.īears are the hairy, carnivorous animals of the family Ursidae. Giraffe, scientifically named Giraffa camelopardalis, from the genus Giraffa. They are characterized by their long trunk, heavy columns-like legs, ivory tusks, and big flat ears. Tigers are also considered apex predators.Įlephants have been considered the largest animal that existed on the land after dinosaurs. There are dark vertical stripes and orange-brown fur on his body that make tigers very aggressive and beautiful. The tiger is the largest cat species and a genus Panthera member, Panthera tigris. Lions have a muscular, deep-chested body, short rounded heads, round ears, and a hairy tuft at the tail end. It is a species in the family Felidae and the genus Panthera. The lion is considered the king of the animal kingdom.